
What is proof of history (Poh)?

Public blockchains are fundamental layers of settling transactions in an uncensorable and decentralized way. Miners or validators verify transactions through various processes to prevent central entities from controlling the network.

What is proof of history and how does it work?

In a PoS mechanism, all the computers in the network need to come to a consensus on certain facts-including when a transaction took place. At the same time, Proof of History is designed to keep the time between computers on a decentralized network without all the computers having to communicate about it and come to an agreement.

What is “historical fact”?

The confusion between these two meanings of “historical/historiographic fact” is facilitated by two common meanings of the word “history.” Sometimes “history” means the events, the people, and objects in the past, what happened, what was there, who did what.

What is firstproof?

FirstPROOF is a high-performance prepress soft-proofing product that is designed to work in a tightly integrated way with the Harlequin RIP, Esko Flex (LEN) RIP, Presstek DI RIP or any RIP that produces TIFF files.


